Today is the 15th of July, two months after Kevin and I were arrested. It came back to my thoughts what happened last 15th of May. Sometimes, I blame myself on why I let Kevin picked me up...or why did'nt I just closed the office early. But then I realise that maybe God wants this to happen as an eye opener to us.
There are many things happened for the past two months. I learned the reality of how cruel justice can be. I were able to see, how corrupt the government and how important to be strong. As one of the accused, I have to use the chance that I am here outside to get things done...to get help and be the one to show to people how to fight not only for justice but for the rights of those who are detained.
My times of crying had subdue already, it was replaced by courage. When I left the CIDG detention that night of May 15...it was so scary. I was so afraid to think what can be the next day and coming days would be. I was not organised and all I did was panic. It was too difficult for me to move and do what is the best for everyone as im all alone and was heavenly pregnant. I entrusted everything especially the case to the first set of lawyers I got. But that was a big mistake. They were not able to help...instead its was the start of more problems. Charging too much fees and even asked me to bribe people instead. The worse thing was during their INQUEST... they did nothing. But what else I can do, it was too late for me to knew all these. It's shameful that justice here is not really for everyone. I call it "Selective Justice". Why? because of corruption, people using their power to extort money and slow judicial system. It is like when you know someone then you'll get what you want. When you got money, you will get favors. Its a world of NO CHOICE but only what they want for you.
A month after, Kevin was transfered to the Municipal Jail here at San Mateo. With this one I saw how people can be detained for a long time without DUE PROCESS, or is there any? It is sad to know that not everyone who are detained are guilty of such crime they are charged with. It is very shameful that even to the most supposedly CENTER of JUSTICE system is no justice at all. It is not that I am complaining about Kevin's case but what it is-you would see that people in there do not really give you the JUSTICE that you deserve without any cost! But what can I do? This is Philippines, right? To whom I will blame these corruption, lay-back justice system and harrasment?
It is so sad that before you will get your conviction, you already have your capital punishment. Being jail in a place with more than 80 other detainees, given a food placed in a bucket mixed with rice and vegetables (you are lucky enough to be served with fish), a water taken from a dirty drum container, not being allowed to see sunlight not unless you get visitors (which you must pay P10 for each visitor you have), use the toilet and bath for nature's call ( again you must pay P20) and alot of things that we do not know. Think how those who doesn't have any money at all, which had put then behind bars because of poverty. Imagine those who doesn't have any family to visit them and provide these prison comforts which in the first place it should not be a previlage but instead their rights! Kevin needed medical attention due to his heart problem and now Tuberculosis, but no doctor can see him not even a Prison Doctor. What will happen to those who needs immediate medical emergencies? Would they just let these poor people die before they can even have thier first trial? I do not know what else to say...but maybe somebody should make a stand over these. I am not an advocate nor a spoke person for those who cannot have voice inside the cell, but just being a human with feelings. Yes, maybe others inside really commited crimes, but being punished twice maybe too much. We say that Philippines is pro-humanitarian country, why don't let our good politician see the conditions of those who are in detention. Maybe, they could share a little of thier corrupted money to those who are in prison. What else I can say... is this a part of how cruel life can be?
There are many things happened for the past two months. I learned the reality of how cruel justice can be. I were able to see, how corrupt the government and how important to be strong. As one of the accused, I have to use the chance that I am here outside to get things done...to get help and be the one to show to people how to fight not only for justice but for the rights of those who are detained.
My times of crying had subdue already, it was replaced by courage. When I left the CIDG detention that night of May 15...it was so scary. I was so afraid to think what can be the next day and coming days would be. I was not organised and all I did was panic. It was too difficult for me to move and do what is the best for everyone as im all alone and was heavenly pregnant. I entrusted everything especially the case to the first set of lawyers I got. But that was a big mistake. They were not able to help...instead its was the start of more problems. Charging too much fees and even asked me to bribe people instead. The worse thing was during their INQUEST... they did nothing. But what else I can do, it was too late for me to knew all these. It's shameful that justice here is not really for everyone. I call it "Selective Justice". Why? because of corruption, people using their power to extort money and slow judicial system. It is like when you know someone then you'll get what you want. When you got money, you will get favors. Its a world of NO CHOICE but only what they want for you.
A month after, Kevin was transfered to the Municipal Jail here at San Mateo. With this one I saw how people can be detained for a long time without DUE PROCESS, or is there any? It is sad to know that not everyone who are detained are guilty of such crime they are charged with. It is very shameful that even to the most supposedly CENTER of JUSTICE system is no justice at all. It is not that I am complaining about Kevin's case but what it is-you would see that people in there do not really give you the JUSTICE that you deserve without any cost! But what can I do? This is Philippines, right? To whom I will blame these corruption, lay-back justice system and harrasment?
It is so sad that before you will get your conviction, you already have your capital punishment. Being jail in a place with more than 80 other detainees, given a food placed in a bucket mixed with rice and vegetables (you are lucky enough to be served with fish), a water taken from a dirty drum container, not being allowed to see sunlight not unless you get visitors (which you must pay P10 for each visitor you have), use the toilet and bath for nature's call ( again you must pay P20) and alot of things that we do not know. Think how those who doesn't have any money at all, which had put then behind bars because of poverty. Imagine those who doesn't have any family to visit them and provide these prison comforts which in the first place it should not be a previlage but instead their rights! Kevin needed medical attention due to his heart problem and now Tuberculosis, but no doctor can see him not even a Prison Doctor. What will happen to those who needs immediate medical emergencies? Would they just let these poor people die before they can even have thier first trial? I do not know what else to say...but maybe somebody should make a stand over these. I am not an advocate nor a spoke person for those who cannot have voice inside the cell, but just being a human with feelings. Yes, maybe others inside really commited crimes, but being punished twice maybe too much. We say that Philippines is pro-humanitarian country, why don't let our good politician see the conditions of those who are in detention. Maybe, they could share a little of thier corrupted money to those who are in prison. What else I can say... is this a part of how cruel life can be?
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