Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Not an ordinary day....
I thought it will be another ordinary day for me. Since the arrest my life had evolved only by sorting the case, Kevin and getting people to help me with. I most often wakes up early go out do the things I must do then go back home stay til 3:00 in the moring waiting for any response from the UK over the internet. I missed Kevin so much as I only seen him once, and that was when he went out for a check up at Amang Rodriguez hospital (Public Hospital). All the time I only hope and pray that I can see him once more, but Im always being advised not too as maybe I will be blackmailed again.
But today is different, I really did not listened to anyone's advised and went to see him. Its a very difficult situation being in there, not because of how the jail looks like but because its making my heart torn into pieces as I have to see Kevin in that circumstances. He did lose too much weight and even looked older than he looks like before. Very sad and in teary eyes, I hugged him once more and embraced him tightly. I want him to be assured of my feelings and secured him that while I am not yet detained I will do everything for him. We talked about the plans and what things to expect in the coming days. I need to give him all the details on what I am doing for the case and to explain to him why I will be detained as well (that is if the motion to dismiss will not be granted).
I checked his conditions, what he needs, his medicines, his foods, clothing, etc. Im grateful that some of the guards inside already his friends and told me that they will be taking care of him. It was so difficult for Kevin being there as rarely somebody speaks to him (because they cannot speak english and some cannot understand his accent). But still my prayers were heard to let some good hearted guards takes care of him. I told him some of the goods news about him to be confined soon this week, same as I got a better chance to get the case dismissed. He has many worries but same as me we both try to pray for the best thing.
I was there only for an hour but it seems like I spent a whole day with him. God knows how my heart shattered by the time I need to say goodbye for him. Though we both know that -that wont be the last time we both be together very soon. This day will be a part of those days that will be in my heart. A day that I've seen Kevin again...
But today is different, I really did not listened to anyone's advised and went to see him. Its a very difficult situation being in there, not because of how the jail looks like but because its making my heart torn into pieces as I have to see Kevin in that circumstances. He did lose too much weight and even looked older than he looks like before. Very sad and in teary eyes, I hugged him once more and embraced him tightly. I want him to be assured of my feelings and secured him that while I am not yet detained I will do everything for him. We talked about the plans and what things to expect in the coming days. I need to give him all the details on what I am doing for the case and to explain to him why I will be detained as well (that is if the motion to dismiss will not be granted).
I checked his conditions, what he needs, his medicines, his foods, clothing, etc. Im grateful that some of the guards inside already his friends and told me that they will be taking care of him. It was so difficult for Kevin being there as rarely somebody speaks to him (because they cannot speak english and some cannot understand his accent). But still my prayers were heard to let some good hearted guards takes care of him. I told him some of the goods news about him to be confined soon this week, same as I got a better chance to get the case dismissed. He has many worries but same as me we both try to pray for the best thing.
I was there only for an hour but it seems like I spent a whole day with him. God knows how my heart shattered by the time I need to say goodbye for him. Though we both know that -that wont be the last time we both be together very soon. This day will be a part of those days that will be in my heart. A day that I've seen Kevin again...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A letter of prayer from Kevin

Yesterday was their 60th day in detention. Kevin wrote a letter of prayer to the children and I. After the 15th of May, Kevin and I only holds now to our faith and hopes that justice soon will be with us. We also pray everyday that the children will be able to see him once more back in our arms. This chapter of our lives made us more stronger...but then we pray that soon he will be back home.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Reality Behind Bars

Today is the 15th of July, two months after Kevin and I were arrested. It came back to my thoughts what happened last 15th of May. Sometimes, I blame myself on why I let Kevin picked me up...or why did'nt I just closed the office early. But then I realise that maybe God wants this to happen as an eye opener to us.
There are many things happened for the past two months. I learned the reality of how cruel justice can be. I were able to see, how corrupt the government and how important to be strong. As one of the accused, I have to use the chance that I am here outside to get things get help and be the one to show to people how to fight not only for justice but for the rights of those who are detained.
My times of crying had subdue already, it was replaced by courage. When I left the CIDG detention that night of May was so scary. I was so afraid to think what can be the next day and coming days would be. I was not organised and all I did was panic. It was too difficult for me to move and do what is the best for everyone as im all alone and was heavenly pregnant. I entrusted everything especially the case to the first set of lawyers I got. But that was a big mistake. They were not able to help...instead its was the start of more problems. Charging too much fees and even asked me to bribe people instead. The worse thing was during their INQUEST... they did nothing. But what else I can do, it was too late for me to knew all these. It's shameful that justice here is not really for everyone. I call it "Selective Justice". Why? because of corruption, people using their power to extort money and slow judicial system. It is like when you know someone then you'll get what you want. When you got money, you will get favors. Its a world of NO CHOICE but only what they want for you.
A month after, Kevin was transfered to the Municipal Jail here at San Mateo. With this one I saw how people can be detained for a long time without DUE PROCESS, or is there any? It is sad to know that not everyone who are detained are guilty of such crime they are charged with. It is very shameful that even to the most supposedly CENTER of JUSTICE system is no justice at all. It is not that I am complaining about Kevin's case but what it is-you would see that people in there do not really give you the JUSTICE that you deserve without any cost! But what can I do? This is Philippines, right? To whom I will blame these corruption, lay-back justice system and harrasment?
It is so sad that before you will get your conviction, you already have your capital punishment. Being jail in a place with more than 80 other detainees, given a food placed in a bucket mixed with rice and vegetables (you are lucky enough to be served with fish), a water taken from a dirty drum container, not being allowed to see sunlight not unless you get visitors (which you must pay P10 for each visitor you have), use the toilet and bath for nature's call ( again you must pay P20) and alot of things that we do not know. Think how those who doesn't have any money at all, which had put then behind bars because of poverty. Imagine those who doesn't have any family to visit them and provide these prison comforts which in the first place it should not be a previlage but instead their rights! Kevin needed medical attention due to his heart problem and now Tuberculosis, but no doctor can see him not even a Prison Doctor. What will happen to those who needs immediate medical emergencies? Would they just let these poor people die before they can even have thier first trial? I do not know what else to say...but maybe somebody should make a stand over these. I am not an advocate nor a spoke person for those who cannot have voice inside the cell, but just being a human with feelings. Yes, maybe others inside really commited crimes, but being punished twice maybe too much. We say that Philippines is pro-humanitarian country, why don't let our good politician see the conditions of those who are in detention. Maybe, they could share a little of thier corrupted money to those who are in prison. What else I can say... is this a part of how cruel life can be?
There are many things happened for the past two months. I learned the reality of how cruel justice can be. I were able to see, how corrupt the government and how important to be strong. As one of the accused, I have to use the chance that I am here outside to get things get help and be the one to show to people how to fight not only for justice but for the rights of those who are detained.
My times of crying had subdue already, it was replaced by courage. When I left the CIDG detention that night of May was so scary. I was so afraid to think what can be the next day and coming days would be. I was not organised and all I did was panic. It was too difficult for me to move and do what is the best for everyone as im all alone and was heavenly pregnant. I entrusted everything especially the case to the first set of lawyers I got. But that was a big mistake. They were not able to help...instead its was the start of more problems. Charging too much fees and even asked me to bribe people instead. The worse thing was during their INQUEST... they did nothing. But what else I can do, it was too late for me to knew all these. It's shameful that justice here is not really for everyone. I call it "Selective Justice". Why? because of corruption, people using their power to extort money and slow judicial system. It is like when you know someone then you'll get what you want. When you got money, you will get favors. Its a world of NO CHOICE but only what they want for you.
A month after, Kevin was transfered to the Municipal Jail here at San Mateo. With this one I saw how people can be detained for a long time without DUE PROCESS, or is there any? It is sad to know that not everyone who are detained are guilty of such crime they are charged with. It is very shameful that even to the most supposedly CENTER of JUSTICE system is no justice at all. It is not that I am complaining about Kevin's case but what it is-you would see that people in there do not really give you the JUSTICE that you deserve without any cost! But what can I do? This is Philippines, right? To whom I will blame these corruption, lay-back justice system and harrasment?
It is so sad that before you will get your conviction, you already have your capital punishment. Being jail in a place with more than 80 other detainees, given a food placed in a bucket mixed with rice and vegetables (you are lucky enough to be served with fish), a water taken from a dirty drum container, not being allowed to see sunlight not unless you get visitors (which you must pay P10 for each visitor you have), use the toilet and bath for nature's call ( again you must pay P20) and alot of things that we do not know. Think how those who doesn't have any money at all, which had put then behind bars because of poverty. Imagine those who doesn't have any family to visit them and provide these prison comforts which in the first place it should not be a previlage but instead their rights! Kevin needed medical attention due to his heart problem and now Tuberculosis, but no doctor can see him not even a Prison Doctor. What will happen to those who needs immediate medical emergencies? Would they just let these poor people die before they can even have thier first trial? I do not know what else to say...but maybe somebody should make a stand over these. I am not an advocate nor a spoke person for those who cannot have voice inside the cell, but just being a human with feelings. Yes, maybe others inside really commited crimes, but being punished twice maybe too much. We say that Philippines is pro-humanitarian country, why don't let our good politician see the conditions of those who are in detention. Maybe, they could share a little of thier corrupted money to those who are in prison. What else I can say... is this a part of how cruel life can be?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A Father's Letter to Her Daughter

She wake up early today and so excited asking if she would see her father. As I have promised her last night she will be visiting Kevin. Though I have nothing to prepare for her birthday, she was so happy as she was able to play with Kevin, spent some time with him.
Kevin was surprised as he never expected that ChaCha is going to see him. I know that this is not we want for her birthday but atleast we gave her love and care which is more important thing as parent can ever give to their children.
We pray that soon Kevin can be with us and with the children as we really miss him terribly.
Happy Birthday Charlene....
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Life In Detention ( From the letters of Kevin and the staff )

These are from the letters of Kevin and the TAYLORS Staff who are in detention.
In six days Kevin and my staff are detained already for two months. Since the arrest, Kevin and I have been exchanging letters everytime my daugther visits him. From his letters, he had been narrating what life they got behind bars, he as well told me the treatment they get from prison guards, police and inmates.
From May 15th to June 18th Kevin and the staff were detained at PNP Custodial Center in Camp Crame. He said that most detainess in there are those who are accused of HIGH PROFILE crimes such as drug related cases, murders, terrorism, kidnapping, name it. He was so afraid when he was first sent there as everyone detained are really facing charges that most people would be scared of to talk about. He was placed in a cell with other three detainees. They have TV, a CR and bed. The detention is in a maximum security but then inside they are free to move, walk and have some exercise. There is a small shop in which you can have the things that you also get outside (ciggies, soda, chips, etc) it is like a small grocery inside the detention. Inmates are a little friendlier and they do not steal food, money and personal things as most detainees are from a well off families. Actually he said he saw Sen. Trinales and some other High profile criminals. But they are not bad, he even said they even help each other, give each other advice and even share their life story. The only problem are the guards. He calls them beggars in uniforms. They are the one who steals food, clothing and even cash. Extortion inside the detention is a big problem. If you dont give what the guards want, you can't get priviledges. You must have something really to bribe these guards in able to move around or even get favors. Each day, I must give P1,000 to Kevin for him to pay these and that... if you send a food it must be multiplied to three as each gate must have the same thing or the detainee won't get it. Example you bring a burger, it must be three burgers so the other two will be for the guards and the other one is for Kevin. That is the rule Kevin and I have to remember.
Same with the staff, I have to pay a protection money for them. It is P200 every week for each staff. Everytime I send food it must be multiplied to three as the guards must have their share. If you ge sick, you must pay back the medicines, the check up twice as expensive outside. Basically, inside the detention the rule is all about money...
19th of June, Kevin and the staff were transfered to San Mateo Municipal Jail. Kevin describe this jail as a hell hole. Why? Kevin is placed in a small cell together with 90 Filipino prisoners. The wall is tinted with human urine and stained with blood. Floors are infested with cockroaches and rats. You must sleep on the floor with a small box as your bedding. You'll lucky enough to get a plywood as your bed. Same thing as in Crame, once they are transfered you must pay for a protection money. Kevin was asked to pay P1,000 and the staff paid P700 each. Kevin has to pay for a bedspace. This is if you want to sleep lying on your back. If you do not pay you will sleep means sleeping only half of your body must occupy the space. It is too difficult for Kevin as he is big. He said it is like you are already facing your sentence as it is very hot inside (because there are 90+ prisoners). He said that those who are detained at the city jail are not well off not like at Crame. So small things will be missing and inmates acts like animals. They can start a fight over a piece of bread. The prisoners are stealing his foods, water and even clothes. I have to send Kevin the oldest set of clothing so the inmates wont get an interest over it. He said at night he must avoid walking as he can tip off the prisoners. That is how they are over crowded. And one of the biggest problem is using the CR. Actually he said if you want to take a bath in the morning, you must start to queque in (fall in line) early as it needs two hour before you will get your time. He has to pee in a small bottle same as the others, and needs to pay to pooh. It is as well about money, and those who do not have, must face the sad reality on being treated like a dog. Kevin told me that everytime he speaks to the inmates your heart will beak apart knowing how petty their crimes they have commited. There are some who stolen P200 but since he cannot bail him self he has been detained more than half a year already. There are some who have'nt got visitors more than a year already. If you do not have a visitor you are not allowed to get out your cell and no chance of getting a little air and sunlight. That is why Kevin is visited twice a day so atleast he will have a chance outside the cell to have some stretching, a little air and a bit of sunlight. And he said the worse thing in there is the food. It is placed in a big bucket full of mixed rice and vegetables scooped and placed in a plastic cup and distributed to prisoners. He told me that it was like feeding a dog with a left over food. And he really pity the inmates who doesn't have visitors and food from their families as they have no choice but to eat the supply. Prisoners have nothing to do as no space for a little recreation. You can only do two things...sleep or stare on space. Kevin has to write sitting or facing the wall as the wall is his table or write lying down. He has to move near the bars so he can have a little supply of light. These are the same thing Rowena, Sheryl and Grace have told my daugther who everytime visits them and brings food. They told me that the only thing they are waiting for everyday is the food...getting their food means they can be out the cell and have a chance to get a little nice air.
However , Rowena is different. Because she has HEPA B she has to be isolated to others. She is placed in a small stock room without a door almost same size as a wardrobe cabinet. She has to sleep on the floor also. When she gave birth a week ago, she has to bring her newly born baby with her. They both sleeps on the floor and on that area.
Their situation really is very inhuman. If you will read their letters all you can do is is very sad that they have to suffer to all these because of a selfish accusation and an arrest illegally. These are all because of money, jelously and blackmail. Kevin, my staff and I have done nothing wrong but to help Filipinos with thier VISA. We hope that soon the truth would come out and we will get the JUSTICE that my husband and my staff deserves.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Kevin's Health Ordeal
What a life is it we got? This is the first thing came out on my mouth and a sigh. Having a husband being detained for an accusation that shouldn't be, arrested illegally and have lost everything in a month; now facing a another chapter...Kevin's health. I said to my self I can fight until I get justice for what happened to my family, I kept myself strong, focused and organised so I can do the best I can to help my husband, my staff and my children. Everyday I struggled in getting money to continue the fight but I said to myself, I can make it. I know I can get things done for my love to Kevin.
Last 3rd of July was a happy time for me and Kevin as it was almost 48 days we haven't seen each other, aside that he was atlast allowed to see a doctor. I woke up early and prepared myself to see him in a government hospital near our place where he was allowed by the court to get his check up. As I entered the emergency room I was in tears as I saw Kevin again. I embraced him so tight that I wish he can come back home with me. It was my first time also to see him crying... That was very emotional moment in both our lives. But I must not cry as I need to be strong. I saw him wearing his orange shirt and handcuffed, its very painful seeing your husband in that situation especially I know he shouldnt be like that. I try to focused on the reason why I am there..his check up and I was told that the BJMP and Kevin must be back before 3PM. I was told to speak to a doctor and serves as an interpreter for Kevin. He was asked to have various laboratories. My life fell down after the doctor read his diagnosis on Kevin's. He said that Kevin have Tuberculosis. I can't believed what I heard as I know before all this happened he is a very healthy man. I do not know why all these are happening to us as we are not bad people. We have worked so hard and lived honestly, never we even thought of decieving anyone. All we knew is we wanted to help Filipino's.
I was intears at that time as I need to think about his health. I knew that I must do something to help Kevin, but how can I when I do not know anymore how to get money. I cannot tell the man I love so much that even us at home had been suffering financially. Everyday that I wake up I have to think where to get money for my childrens' food, his food, and even do not know where to get cash now for his treatment. But I must not tell Kevin all this...I have to carry everything in my heart and just tell him not to worry. After his check up he was taken back to the city jail. I waited till they left and I was left there standing infront of the hospital. I do not know if I will leave and go back home or just wait til somebody helps me. I didnt even noticed the tears in my eyes until an old woman said to me...just pray. Now, I have more things to think about... where to get funds. How can I feed six young children and help for a treatment of Kevin.
Last 3rd of July was a happy time for me and Kevin as it was almost 48 days we haven't seen each other, aside that he was atlast allowed to see a doctor. I woke up early and prepared myself to see him in a government hospital near our place where he was allowed by the court to get his check up. As I entered the emergency room I was in tears as I saw Kevin again. I embraced him so tight that I wish he can come back home with me. It was my first time also to see him crying... That was very emotional moment in both our lives. But I must not cry as I need to be strong. I saw him wearing his orange shirt and handcuffed, its very painful seeing your husband in that situation especially I know he shouldnt be like that. I try to focused on the reason why I am there..his check up and I was told that the BJMP and Kevin must be back before 3PM. I was told to speak to a doctor and serves as an interpreter for Kevin. He was asked to have various laboratories. My life fell down after the doctor read his diagnosis on Kevin's. He said that Kevin have Tuberculosis. I can't believed what I heard as I know before all this happened he is a very healthy man. I do not know why all these are happening to us as we are not bad people. We have worked so hard and lived honestly, never we even thought of decieving anyone. All we knew is we wanted to help Filipino's.
I was intears at that time as I need to think about his health. I knew that I must do something to help Kevin, but how can I when I do not know anymore how to get money. I cannot tell the man I love so much that even us at home had been suffering financially. Everyday that I wake up I have to think where to get money for my childrens' food, his food, and even do not know where to get cash now for his treatment. But I must not tell Kevin all this...I have to carry everything in my heart and just tell him not to worry. After his check up he was taken back to the city jail. I waited till they left and I was left there standing infront of the hospital. I do not know if I will leave and go back home or just wait til somebody helps me. I didnt even noticed the tears in my eyes until an old woman said to me...just pray. Now, I have more things to think about... where to get funds. How can I feed six young children and help for a treatment of Kevin.
A letter for help...
Dear Everyone,
I am Charlene Caballes, 30 years old and a mother of six young children a live-in partner of Kevin Taylor 43 years old and British National who is currently detained at San Mateo Municipal City Jail. I am writing this to ask help from anyone to assist us on my husband’s case as he was arrested illegally and being held for more than a month now. Kevin Taylor together with my three other staff were arrested last 15th of May at around 5:30 in the afternoon by the CIDG-TFAIR for alleged “Illegal Recruitment”. However, we are complaining as the said arrest was illegal. The CIDG conducted an entrapment operation at my office. The following are our argument for such entrapment:
“Pursuant to the 2008 Revised Manual for prosecutors of the Department of Justice, the first duty of the investigating inquest prosecutor is to first determine if the arrest of the detained person was made in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Section 5, Rule 113 of the Revised Rules on Criminal procedure which provided that the arrests without warrant maybe effected.”
a. When in the presence of the arresting officer, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to commit an offense; or
b. When an offense has in fact just been committed, and the arresting officer has probable cause to believe, based on personal knowledge of facts or circumstances, the person to be arrested has committed it; or
c. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal establishment.
The Entrapment was facilitated by CIDG-TFAIR who have entered my office together with my previous client to which failed an English Test (TOEIC) which a part of our services to attain proper evaluation and assessment for their VISA application. The guy was insisting on paying for his retake to one of my secretary, but because he is not scheduled for such retake he was refused to pay his retake fee. He then went to my cashier and again insisted on paying the said fee, as then again he was refused. He dropped the money on the table and my secretary argued and picked the money to return to him. As soon as she picked the said cash, one of the agents from CIDG shouted that we are arrested. The guy who shouted was at my other secretary inquiring about our services. Due to this, my secretary went to my classroom in tears and have told me of the said problem. I went to the reception area where it happened and asked the officer why we are being arrested and also I asked for any WARRANT OF ARREST and Searched WARRANT. Instead of answering me he shouted and told me to sit together with my employees. They started taking things from our drawers and tables and have not showed any warrant to us. After this, my husband came in to the office and was surprised of what is happening. Together with our guard he asked why we are being panicking and the staff were crying. One of the officers told him also to shut up and sit with me. After an hour they brought us to Camp Crame. I was asking them why we have not seen any warrant and why we are being arrested. I even insisted on the fact that if there is a complaint against my office, since I am the owner, I should be invited for investigation and they should released my staff and especially Kevin and the guard as they were outside the office when the entrapment happened. No one bothered talking to me that night, one of the police said that we will be released soon after the investigation. I waited with my husband and my staff until 10:00 in the evening and we were told that there is no Fiscal available and we must be detained until the next day. Around 11:00PM I was told I must go home and not to worry about my husband and my staff. I do not want to leave that time as I knew that if I leave Kevin in there as he is a foreigner many abuses will happened. But they insisted to me that I should not worry and go home as I am heavily pregnant that time. Kevin also told me to go home. From then on I have not seen my husband any more. From the time I was sent home people had been asking money from me to pay out people, but then Kevin and I doesn’t have any money as it was to big besides we do not want to pay off people as we believe that we are innocent.
From Camp Crame, Kevin was transferred in San Mateo City Jail last June 19th. It is very difficult at that City Jail as I was told Kevin was placed together with 83 Filipino prisoners in a very small cell. He has to pay Ph 1,000 for a protection money and pay extra for the bed, used of toilet and bath, etc. Since he was transferred Kevin had been complaining of many HUMAN RIGHTS abuses against him. He is not allowed to contact his embassy nor receive a call from them. He is always threatened by guards and in mates. He is not allowed to have an exercise or even have a time to be out for sunlight. All his letters are read by guards.
Since May 15, I have sold everything from our house from furniture to appliances and even to curtains to get funds for the case and have money to pay lawyers. I have to pay people for Kevin’s protection at the detention center and now at the city jail. Kevin had been complaining about his medical condition many times but the guard said he is not allowed to see a doctor. He has suffered few weeks ago a mild heart attack due to all these. I have in contact with the embassy and FCO to assist him and check the details of his arrest as it is illegal. I repeatedly insisting on the Human Rights violations against Kevin, but we were told they cannot help him that much as their role is only limited. I am begging everyone to please do not let Kevin rot in jail as because no one had made any effort on checking the arrest and monitored a fair trial for him. I am asking people to have a heart for a man and a father to get a proper justice he deserves.
I know that my time is limited as I am due to be detained too. I knew I will be arrested soon as I was not able to produce the money that they were asking me. Help Kevin, help us please. I beg all of you to help us to fight for our rights.
Attached here are Kevin’s letters and his picture with our newly born daughter last June 21, Father’s Day.
Respectfully yours,
Charlene Caballes
Email address:
Mobile number: 00639151147632
Landline numbers: 006323917609 / 006323917527 / 006329481611
Skype: charlene.caballes
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